Just a girl from London with big dreams

who serves an even bigger God.

purpose, creativity, and courage

As I continue to live with purpose and embrace my creativity, I want to inspire others to courageously do the same. I truly mean it when I say I believe the impossible is possible for us; it’s already ours. And though my journey has had many twists and turns, I cannot deny the beauty that has found me along the way. I know I am only just getting started, so I am on a mission to continue creating a life that radiates my God-given purpose and use my creativity to make a positive difference.

healing, learning, and growing

The healing journey is a lifelong adventure, one that cannot be rushed, predicted, or forced to fit into a box. Sometimes, the thing we thought we were healed from will pop out to greet us on a random Saturday afternoon, and instead of running from it, we’ll have the opportunity to face it and invite it in for a chat and a cup of tea. The healing journey fascinates me, which is one of the reasons I host my Write Your Way Through It workshops, to remind women that addressing our pain is revolutionary, transformative, and liberating. So I’m showing up each day to heal, to learn, to grow. I love reading and learning from others; I also find that I continue to learn from myself when I simply pay attention.

authentic faith

My faith is mine, and I will no longer give it away to my disappointments, fears, pain, or doubts. I spent so much time living on borrowed faith, marveling at those around me and online who appeared to have a model relationship with God. I have now learned that my relationship with God is mine, and there is nothing like hearing and heeding the voice of God for yourself. So, I’m picking up my cross daily, choosing to follow Jesus, and sharing my authentic faith lessons along the way.

welcome to my soulful space,

a space where purpose and courage freely reside.

I’m a purposeful creative who enjoys so many different things. I spent a lot of time believing I had to fit into a pretty little box to be accepted, but one day, I literally woke up and said no. Living beneath my most authentic self is not my portion. I’m going to be me with courage. I’m going to make the best out of this life of mine, and I’m going to enjoy the journey while doing it. 

creative living

Words have transformed my life.

I wouldn't be the woman I am today without the countless lessons I have learned from reading the spirit-filled works of others. Words have filled my well with truth and awakened my spirit to the woman I truly am. And it's one of the many reasons I knew from a young age that I, too, would use words as a means of giving back. I would write with purpose. I would release with purpose. I would use my pen for good.

my motto

Be you with courage.

Shandice Stallworth

I created this website to bring all the things I love into one space.

I’m a passionate writer, author, creative business owner, and founder of Dear Purposeful Woman, based in Atlanta, Georgia. I spend my days helping purpose-driven organizations create, refine, and present their most authentic message to the world. I’m a marketer by profession who intentionally makes room for my other gifts and passions daily.

Explore My Digital Space

A purposeful note:

You don't need to decorate your purpose to be more appealing or palatable. Resist getting caught up in presentation rather than substance and depth. Presentation is important, but you have to ask yourself, "Am I trying to present who I authentically am, or am I trying to present something popular to appeal to the public's wandering eyes?" I truly believe, whatever you do, you should do it with heart, or it cannot pump life into others. Do it like you mean it. Get to know your why and use it as fuel to go the distance even when you don't "feel" up to it.

Shandice xo